With springtime upon us, and the days getting longer, the sun getting higher and warmer we all feel the excitement of new beginnings. Maple sugaring is in full swing, flowers will be emerging shortly and the field work at Fairmont is about to begin, we are all feeling energized with spring in the air.
Fairmont Market is also feeling the anticipation of new beginnings with our upcoming changes. We will be adding some more local products and have a newly renovated space for our customers to enjoy.

As we look ahead to some changes in Fairmont Market we want to take a moment to reflect on some history. Early on East Montpelier was separated from Montpelier and formed it's own town. During this time the railroad was being built through East Montpelier and the first station was to be located off from Route 14 across from what we now know as the Central Vermont Humane Society. The owner of the railroad chose the name Fairmont as the name for the station. As East Montpelier was primarily an agricultural town this station was valuable to delivering supplies needed for the farms. Currently the site of the rail station is now a pull off/parking area for people to access the old railroad bed as a lovely walking/hiking/snowmobile trail. Austin Cleaves chose Fairmont to be his farm name back in the 1980's. When we incorporated in 1992 to form Fairmont Farm Inc. the historical name Fairmont was our name of choice.
Watch for coming updates on the hours Fairmont Market will be open, but until then when you drive by the any of our Fairmont locations think about the history in our name!

Very nice building but it seems to me that it needs direct waterproofing. This will keep the design inside the building. Moisture is very harmful to the interior and gradually destroys it. I know from my own experience that in order not to spend extra money on repairs, it is better to install waterproofing.